Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Diet & Supplement

Hatchlings will feed on Black worms and shrimp live or frozen.
Adults will feed on insect’s chicken meat, fish, and mice
Short necks will also eat some vegetables.
Mixing fish and vegetables , prawn meat finely diced & calcium powder in a plastic bag lay flat so it is about 4mm thick then using a wooded skewer lay the skewer on the bag and press down in rows as to make small squares and freeze ,
then you can just snap off what you need
Never leave uneaten food in the tank as it will foul the water.

Dusting as it is know.Is food dusted with a calcium or vitamin powder and is a mustfor a good healthy Dragon, every second feed.This can be done by placing live food in a container or bag and adding a small amount of either calcium or or vitamin powder in to the bag and shaking it so it mixes with the live food and the woodies or crickets get covered in the dust.

Lighting& Heat

One of the most important features of an indoor enclosure
Is a UVB full spectrum light (this is not a heat source?)
But provides UVB rays or wavelengths similar to that of the sun, which will help against Metabolic Bone Disease and help with growth
of a healthy Hatchling
it must be placed no more than 30cm from base of enclosure
as the further away the weaker the wavelength is
Turtles require another form of heat source,
A aquarium heater works well 26' >28"
if using a basking light it should be control by a thermostat ,
You can never under estimate the true value of natural sunlight.